The early days of pregnancy are often characterized by a mix of excitement and uncertainty. It is during this delicate window that recognizing the early signs of pregnancy and sharing them with your Oviedo OBGYN becomes crucial. It’s vital to understand that your OBGYN is not only a medical professional; they are your guiding partner throughout your pregnancy. Their expertise, guidance, and support are indispensable, especially in these initial stages.

By promptly discussing early signs of pregnancy with your OBGYN, you can ensure that you receive the best possible care, manage any potential complications, and pave the way for a healthy and successful pregnancy.

Early Signs of Pregnancy To Monitor and Discuss with Your OBGYN

Missed Period

A missed period takes on a new significance when it comes to early signs of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, your body starts producing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a special hormone that brings your menstrual cycle to a temporary standstill.

While occasional fluctuations in your menstrual cycle can be attributed to stress or other factors, a missed period, especially when accompanied by other pregnancy symptoms, becomes a sign that warrants attention.

Engaging in a conversation with your OBGYN about a missed period is of paramount importance for several compelling reasons:

Confirmation of Pregnancy: If you’ve missed your period, the first thing you’d like to know is whether pregnancy is the cause. Your OBGYN can swiftly provide a pregnancy test to confirm your suspicions.

Due Date Estimation: The date of your last menstrual period (LMP) serves as a critical reference point for estimating your due date. This date helps in tracking the progress of your pregnancy and setting the stage for prenatal care.

Early Prenatal Care: Early initiation of prenatal care has been linked to better maternal and fetal outcomes. It enables your OBGYN to identify and address potential risks or complications right from the start.

Eliminate Other Potential Causes: Pregnancy might be the most common reason for a missed period, but it’s not the only one. Your OBGYN can explore other potential factors, like hormonal imbalances or underlying health conditions, ensuring your overall well-being.

Nausea and Morning Sickness

Nausea and vomiting stand as iconic hallmarks of early pregnancy. Although nausea and vomiting may be unpleasant, they signify a healthy pregnancy in the making. Hormonal fluctuations, especially the surge in hCG and estrogen, are primarily responsible for these symptoms. These hormones play a pivotal role in supporting the pregnancy’s progress.

Initiating a conversation about nausea and vomiting with your OBGYN is essential for several reasons:

Determining Severity: Your OBGYN can assess the severity of your symptoms and rule out hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition characterized by excessive vomiting, which can lead to dehydration and weight loss. Severe cases might necessitate hospitalization and intravenous fluids.

Management and Relief: OBGYNs know the strategies that can alleviate your symptoms. They can provide guidance on dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes, or prescribe safe medications to help you manage nausea and vomiting.

Preventing Complications: When vomiting becomes severe, it can sometimes affect your body’s balance of electrolytes. If you discuss with your OBGYN about your symptoms, you can avoid potential issues and make sure you and your baby get the best care possible.


Fatigue is a sign that people often miss, but it’s actually one of the early hints that your body is going through some big changes as it gets ready to nurture a new life. Here’s why you should discuss your fatigue symptoms with your OBGYN:

Rule Out Underlying Issues: Discussing your fatigue with your OBGYN ensures that no underlying medical issues contribute to your exhaustion.

Pregnancy Confirmation: If you’re still uncertain about whether you’re pregnant, discussing your fatigue with your OBGYN can help to confirm your pregnancy status. Often, it’s one of the earliest signs, offering reassurance and the first step towards embracing motherhood.

Strategies for Management: Your OBGYN can provide practical strategies for managing fatigue. These may include lifestyle adjustments, dietary recommendations, or guidance on improving sleep quality.

Monitoring Overall Wellness: Fatigue can occasionally signify other health concerns, such as anemia. Discussing your fatigue with your OBGYN will help ensure that your overall health is monitored throughout your pregnancy.

Start Your Pregnancy Journey With Woman’s Health Centers

Recognizing and discussing early signs of pregnancy with your trusted OBGYN is crucial. After all, it’s the foundational step towards ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy. From missed periods to morning sickness, your OBGYN will be able to give you professional medical advice and guidance. Whether you’re actively trying for a baby, just had a positive pregnancy test, or have a hunch that a pregnancy is on the horizon, don’t hesitate to reach out to our caring team of OBGYNs at Woman’s Health Centers today.